“It was around Christmas when I found a 45 rpm record inside a pandoro: on one side was Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor..”
“At home, we had never heard anything like that: just some Roman folk songs or, at most, popular music. I put the vinyl on the turntable, and as soon as the needle dropped, something inexplicable happened… immediately started trying to play by ear the notesI hadjust heard on my Bontempi organ A few days later, after listening with little interest to my ‘little tunes, ‘ a family friend, an amateur musician”asked me to play something familiar, and I played those notes from the record.. After I finished playing, he hugged me and said to my father with a nearly desperate look,
“You may not realize it… but you absolutely have to make him study music”.
My father responded:
“He needs to become a football player.”
My tears were useless: there was no way we could talk about music.”
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