1968 – How it all began<br>

It was around Christmas when I found a 45 rpm record inside a pandoro: on one side was Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor..”

“At home, we had never heard anything like that: just some Roman folk songs or, at most, popular music.
I put the vinyl on the turntable, and as soon as the needle dropped, something inexplicable happened…
immediately started trying to play by ear the notes I had just heard on my Bontempi organ
A few days later, after listening with little interest to my ‘little tunes, ‘ a family friend, an amateur musician”asked me to play something familiar, and I played those notes from the record..
After I finished playing, he hugged me and said to my father with a nearly desperate look,

“You may not realize it… but you absolutely have to make him study music”.

My father responded:

“He needs to become a football player.”

My tears were useless: there was no way we could talk about music.”

(Tony Carnevale)

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