Beyond the Notes

What is music? Are musicians born or made? What is creativity? What is imagination? What is expressive-representational thought? Where does musical invention come from? What is composition? And improvisation? Can everyone make music, play, or sing? Is it a privilege or a right? Can art and profession coexist? Is it possible to rediscover the lost sound, the passion for music abandoned because of negative experiences? Can music be experienced differently? Can you learn faster? These and other questions are the starting point for an exploration in which reflections—philosophical ones included—on how we think about music go hand in hand with practical advice and tips for the craft of composition, arrangement, interpretation, training, and more. The book also includes deeper insights into artistic, methodological, and historical aspects, with special attention to the psychological and psychoacoustic dimensions of the topics discussed.

Year of Publication: 2022
Catalog Number: ISBN 9788867892389
Publisher: Celid

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