The 4th edition of Tony Carnevale’s second book continues his research on music and music training, focusing on psychoacoustics and the psychological processes that influence creative and expressive thinking. What is music? Are musicians born or made? What is creativity? These and other questions guide this exploration, combining deep reflections on music with practical advice on training, composition, arrangement, and interpretation. The book includes artistic, historical, and methodological insights, along with practical tips. It emphasizes that music is for everyone, and everyone can make music in their own way. This idea has social and political meaning: music is not a race to be the best but a way to connect with others through sound. It challenges the traditional image of the musician promoted by mainstream culture and moves away from the focus on technical skills and virtuosity. Instead, it encourages readers to see music as a form of human connection and imagination, something essential to humanity since the beginning of time.
Year of Publication: 2020 Catalog Number: ISBN 9788831658546 Publisher: Youcanprint
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