“Un Po’ Come Certi Amori”

14 May 11:30

Basilica Theatre in Rome (Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 10)

The participants of ANORA Workshops, directed by Tony Carnevale, will tell with music and words the twenty-three years of activity.

A narrative path built on the emotions and sounds of those who lived this particular training experience, overcoming difficulties and blocks derived from traditional teaching or banal common places and beliefs about music. A story that began in 2000 at the Frosinone Conservatory L. Refice, which then expanded into various music schools in Rome, to important institutional recognition, thanks to the elaboration of an original and revolutionary method of training, which also aroused the interest of the Ministry of Education and INDIRE.

The workshops, besides having had the prestigious patronage of both SIAE and IMAIE, have seen the participation of more than four hundred people to date, many of whom have become professionals in the field, teachers and trainers.

The field of action of the training activity linked to the ANORA method is very wide: from the original achievements published by many participants, to the use of principles of the ANORA method by many teachers and trainers, among which Prof. Simone Scazzocchio, of the Berklee College of Music in Boston, which has participated in the Workshops during the first years of their activity.

Participants: Cecilia Baliva, Laura Buono, Anna Clelia Catucci, Francesca Esposito, Valentin Giglio, Stefania Graziani, Eva Marris, Carles Mata Martínez, Graziana Morale

Introduces: Anton Giulio Calenda

Artistic direction: Tony Carnevale

For further information on the research and its method, please refer to our website www.anora.it and to the book “Oltre le note: un approccio non razionale alla musica” published by Celid, available in all bookstores and online stores.

L’ingresso è GRATUITO.

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