Out III Motion – Extended version

It is the first fruit of collaboration between the Roman artist and the new label SOUNDTRACK Records; the result of a long shared preparation work, which will lead to the publication of all the works of the past, with new ideas and surprises, and the launch of new projects conceived together.

This release gives back the uniqueness of the album in a single Vinyl CD that is completed with the presence of the track Incompiuta Part 2.

The album will be available exclusively at Pink Moon, a historic store in Rome, via Pacinotti, 5.

2022 Copyright SOUNDTRACK S.R.L. Sede Legale: via degli Imbriani, 20 – 20158 Milano – R.E.A Mi 1670382 – P.I. / C.F 03358440968 – Capitale Sociale: € 10.000. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy