A bit like particular loves<br>

May 14, 2023
11:30 AM
Teatro Basilica a Roma
Tony Carnevale – Music artist’s website
A bit like particular loves

14 May 11:30

Basilica Theatre in Rome (Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 10)


Participants of the ANORA Workshops, directed by Maestro Tony Carnevale, will share 23 years of history through music and words

This narrative journey is built on the emotions and sounds of those who have experienced this unique educational approach, overcoming challenges and breaking free from the limitations of traditional teaching methods and common stereotypes about music. It all began in 2000 at the L. Refice Conservatory in Frosinone and later expanded to various music schools in Rome, gaining significant institutional recognition, including interest from the Ministry of Education and INDIRE, thanks to the development of an original and revolutionary teaching method.


The Laboratories have been supported by prestigious organizations such as SIAE and IMAIE and have involved over 400 participants to date. Many have gone on to become industry professionals, teachers, and trainers.


The ANORA method has a wide-ranging impact, from the original works published by many participants to its principles being adopted by educators and trainers. Among them is Professor Simone Scazzocchio from Berklee College of Music in Boston, who participated in the early years of the workshops.


Cecilia Baliva, Laura Buono, Anna Clelia Catucci, Francesca Esposito, Valentin Giglio, Stefania Graziani, Eva Marris, Carles Mata Martínez, Graziana Morale


Introduction by: Anton Giulio Calenda


Artistic Direction: Tony Carnevale


For more information about the research and the method it has developed, visit our website at www.anora.it or read the book “Beyond the Notes: An Intuitive Approach to Music,” published by Celid, and available in bookstores and online.



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