


Act I:

  1. Il mago e la strega
  2. Lo zingaro
  3. Incompiuta
  4. Isabeau
  5. Il viaggio
  6. Il cammino

Act II:

  1. Nov – 17
  2. Onde
  3. Quadri
  4. Igrayne
  5. Danza sul vulcano


Soundtrack to the choreographic work of the same name by Elisabetta Melchiorri and Tony Carnevale, performed at the Cairo Opera House and at the Teatro Olimpico in Rome. A dissertation was also written on this work.


Artistic direction by Tony Carnevale and Elisabetta Melchiorri. Musical composition and production by Tony Carnevale

2022 Copyright SOUNDTRACK S.R.L. Sede Legale: via degli Imbriani, 20 – 20158 Milano – R.E.A Mi 1670382 – P.I. / C.F 03358440968 – Capitale Sociale: € 10.000. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy