Centro Di Ideazione e Produzione Musicale 2005



1. Wings Of Dreams (04:16 Kari Rummukainen)
2. Vento Dall’Est (04:17 B. Galasso – M. Lucchetti –

L. Valente)

3. Guerra E Amore (04:23 F. Alba – M. Quattrini)
4. Silent (04:29 Simone Scazzocchio)
5. Blue (04:44 Gianni Badaracchi)
6. It’s Over (04:10 Luca Bellanova)
7. Fireflies (04:24 Bruno Corazza)
8. Sotto Il Mio Ulivo (02:46 Federico Claudio Ancona)
9. La Nuvola (03:02 – F. Alba – M. Moi)
10. Timida E Bianca (03:58 Fernando Alba)
11. Preludio (02:33 Stefania Graziani)
12. Toys (01:47 Simone Scazzocchio)


Educational and training project carried out in 2005, with the support of IMAIE. These are the original songs created and produced as part of the activities of the Workshops for music creation and production directed by Tony Carnevale.




Recording Studio: Artonica 96


All songs were conceived, arranged and produced with the artistic direction and music production of Tony Carnevale

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