III Movimento – 1999



1. Danza Sul Vulcano – Versione II (10:03 – ITS729900019)
2.Igrayne (6:10 – ITS729900020)
3.Quadri (13:31- ITS729900021)
4.Il Cammino (5:20 – ITS729900022)
5.Incompiuta – Pt.1 (4:10 – ITS729900023)


III Movimento – A Dance Opera For Symphonic-Rock Orchestra is the third album by Tony Carnevale, released in box set together with the first two works, to bring together the songs that make up the soundtrack of the opera III Movimento, choreographed by Elisabetta Melchiorri.


“At some point, the need for a movement was felt again, perhaps to close a period that began with “Risonanze” in 1991 and continued with “La vita che grida” in 1995. Some elements had been added to the experience of those two ! Avori, first the meeting with some musicians who had given birth to a group and subsequent concerts by! vivo, which stimulated me to review many of the things I had written for the record version; secondly the beginning of a collaboration with a choreographer, Elisabetta Melchiorri, who saw me committed to building music for human movement.

Combining these two experiences into a single project, music and dance, musicians and dancers, is perhaps still only a possible research: but we have started. There is not much to say this time (it has already been written enough for “La vita che grida”): this album is only the natural evolution of what was already expressed, so that the songs we recorded are those that were not present in previous works, Except for “Dance on the volcano”, of which there is a different version in “Risonanze”.

The songs “Incompiuta” and “Il cammino” are two “bonus tracks”, auditions made in different periods that we wanted to leave such because, after having worked for a long time for the choreographic part, we became fond of these versions, Although questionable from the point of view of sound quality: they make history by themselves even if indispensable to complete the soundtrack of the choreographic work (made with the special edition of the triple box) and thus give the album itself the right sense.

From a strictly musical point of view the project is born from the idea of looking for a sound, merging the sound of a modern rhythmic with that of traditional classical instruments with the intention of giving life to a different symphonic sound (the already used definition “symphonic rock” is close, although perhaps it would be more appropriate that of “modern symphony”), supported by a rigorous compositional structure and counterpoint character, Leaving the necessary space to the stylistic trends of the performers: this fusion is further highlighted by the elaboration (recognized by the S.I.A.E.) of a cornerstone of classical literature as the “Quadri di una esposizione” by M. Musorgskij, who also gives an idea of how the boundless heritage of classical tradition can be reproposed in the present with the necessary works of reworking that the modern ear, especially that of people unaccustomed to listening to classics, now seems to demand.

A special thanks to the Cairo Opera House for creating the opportunity that led us to make this CD: we owe their enthusiasm for our work the possibility of a world premiere of such prestige (with six reproductions) of the opera “III MOVIMENTO – concert of music and dance” by me in collaboration with the choreographer Elisabetta Melchiorri.

What possible thanks for the musicians who have collaborated?

Maybe just being able to say that I have felt that there is still someone who can “fall in love”.”

(Tony Carnevale – october 1998)


  1. Danza Sul Vulcano – Version II Originally composed for the collective opera “Risonanze”. It has an involuntary reference to “prog” in the title of the well-known piece by Genesis.


“Released in a symphonic version on the CD “Risonanze”, it has evolved into a rhythmic-symphonic version

(Tony Carnevale)


  1. Igrayne
    A feminine image of fantasy, freely inspired by the mother of King Arthur, the woman who in the film Excalibur dances to celebrate peace, but with her seductive movement instead unleashes war, precisely because of her beauty.



“A particular composition, almost all in two-part counterpoint.”

(Tony Carnevale)


  1. Quadri
    The SIAE-recognized elaboration of the “Paintings of an exhibition” by Modest Petrovich Musorgskij, re-composed by Tony, with the interpolation of a quotation from Una Notte Sul Monte Calvo, by the same author.


  1. Il Cammino
    Brano nato per la colonna sonora di una produzione su Benvenuto Cellini (poi realizzata da Battiato), evoca l’immagine di un lungo cammino collettivo, una carovana umana che viaggia senza una meta precisa.


  1. Incompiuta – Pt.1

“It’s also called “Unfinished Women,” because it refers to an entirely feminine choreographic part.”

(Tony Carnevale)




Giuliana De Donno (1, 3)
Soprano Sax Giancarlo Maurino (1, 3)
Electric Guitar Rudy Costa (1, 2, 3)
Electric Bass Emiliano Cappelli (1, 3)
Drums Maurizio Boco (1, 3)
Ethnic Percussion Massimo Carrano (1, 3)
Symphonic Percussion Piero Fortezza (1, 3)
Piano, Samplers & Conducting Tony Carnevale (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Violin Andrea Paoletti, Fabrizio Paoletti (1, 3)
Cello Giacomo Pecorella (1, 3)
Double Bass Massimiliano Pischedda (1, 3)


Mix: Tony Carnevale
Mastering: Marcello Spiridioni
Recording Studio: Artonica
Edizioni Musicali: Proprietà dell’Autore
Graphics and media: Luisa Mosca
Manufactured by: Tecnel

The credits refer to the only album III Movimento. See “Risonanze” and “La Vita Che Grida” for related credits.
All songs were composed, arranged, orchestrated, directed and produced by Tony Carnevale, except “Quadri” composed by Musorgskij – Carnevale

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