Invito – Ambrogio Sparagna



1. Invito (03:10)
2. Vola (02:05)
3. L’ora Del Ballo (03:17)
4. La Chiara Stella (02:20)
5. Ballo D’aprile (04:20)
6. Si Può Cantare (03:45)
7. Elipatango (03:10)
8. Le Voci All’aria (05:00)
9. Sentite Chesta Nova (01:35)
10. Attaranta (03:24)
11. Alla Barocchisa (03:20)
12. Alla Tammorra (04:42)
13. Notte Notte (03:00)
14. E’ Festa Per L’aria (03:21)


Tony Carnevale has lent his voice, played the piano, and followed the artistic direction and musical production of the entire album.

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