Beyond the Notes
What is music? What is creativity? What is imagination? This book answers these and other questions
What is music? What is creativity? What is imagination? This book answers these and other questions
First international publication in which Psychodynamics approaches music education
Sensibility, imagination, creativity. A non-rational approach to music
The book explores research on music and music education, leading to the creation of a teaching method…
Profound considerations on how to think about music, with suggestions on formation, composition, arrangement, and interpretation
Indispensable for musicians who call themselves current, for those seeking innovation in the cultural movement
Sensibility, imagination, creativity. A non-rational approach to music
his was Tony Carnevale's first published book. Originally a handbook for participants in his Original Music Laboratories
An article published in 2003 in the psychiatry and psychotherapy journal Il Sogno Della Farfalla (The Dream…
An article published in 1986 in Narrasogno, a quarterly journal of Science and Art.
An article published in October 1986 in the quarterly magazine Narrasogno, dedicated to Science and Art.
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