December 13, 2024
7:00 PM
Tony Carnevale – Music artist’s website

Stefania Graziani with Tony Carnevale
Tales of hands and sounds to ‘hear’ together
Listening Party
Come and listen together to this first work by the ANORA Project, to recover the sense of pure shared listening, without ‘visual distractions’.
Come to the debut of the ANORA Project, where we’ll reconnect with the art of pure, shared listening, free from “visual distractions.” This event will occur in one of Rome’s few remaining cultural landmarks.
The creators will share the poetry, research, and genuine connections that made it all possible.

Special guests: Laura Buono, Luna Del Pizzo and Massimo Pontoriero.

Save the date: Friday, December 13, at Teatro Il Cantiere, Via Gustavo Modena 92 (Trastevere, near the Gioacchino Belli statue).
Important: There will be two sessions: one at 7 PM and another at 9 PM. Admission is free, but reservations are require
To reserve your spot, email info@anora.it with your full name and the names of anyone attending with you.
Once the theater reaches capacity, the guest list will close, so reserve as early as possible!
Learn more about the project: https://www.anora.it/anora-project/

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