INDIRE Webinar on the ANORA Method<br>

May 17, 2023
9:00 AM
Tony Carnevale – Music artist’s website
INDIRE Webinar on the ANORA Method
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17 maggio 2023 ore 9.00
INDIRE Webinar on the ANORA Method


Speaker: Tony Carnevale, Composer


An intuitive approach to music: The ANORA method is a way of learning music that focuses on developing your artistic identity by creating and performing original music. This method has led to research on how humans think creatively, how we respond to sound, and what “music” truly means. It views music as a natural, human communication that goes beyond logic.
Psychological studies have played an essential role in showing that creativity is a fundamental part of being human. The ANORA method emphasizes that music isn’t a special gift meant for only a few—it’s something everyone has the right and ability to express.
This approach challenges traditional music education, which often focuses too much on performing other people’s work, leaving little room for creativity. The ANORA method encourages a more balanced approach that helps people explore their own creative potential.


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