Interview Café Sospeso

February 3, 2023
11:00 AM
Radio Elettrica - Caffé Sospeso
Radio Elettrica
Tony Carnevale – Music artist’s website
Interview Café Sospeso

As part of Radio Elettrica’s Caffé Sospeso programme, Giampiero Wallnofer interviews Tony Carnevale.

On 3 February at 11 a.m. on the phone with Tony Carnevale.


“Tony Carnevale is considered by specialised critics to be one of the most important Italian musicians of all time: pianist, keyboard player, composer, arranger, orchestrator, choirmaster and conductor, artistic director and music producer, with whom great artists and protagonists of Italian Progressive music have collaborated, including Francesco Di Giacomo and Rodolfo Maltese del Banco. He has been conducting research for many years, which led him in 2003 to write important articles in which he deals with music as a psychic experience, delving into its inter-human communicative aspect: and it is precisely from this research, fused with his own personal experience as a musician, that the idea of the original method of training and developing musical thought and original artistic identity (ANORA) was born, which has given rise to several books, the latest of which, Oltre le note,published by Celid. He is director of the Original Music and Applied Composition, Arrangement and Music Pre-production and Music Production and Artistic Direction Workshops, as well as director of the Oltre le note Workshop, active since 2000 and sponsored by SIAE and IMAIE.’

Listen to the interview HERE.

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