“Sentiamo” (Listen) Together – preview of the album “Tu Che Mi Puoi Capire”<br>

April 16, 2023
11:00 AM
Teatro Basilica - Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 10, Roma
Tony Carnevale – Music artist’s website
“Sentiamo” (Listen) Together – preview of the album “Tu Che Mi Puoi Capire”

An event not to be missed: join us on Sunday, April 16, at 11 AM at the Teatro Basilica in Rome, Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 10, to “listen” together to the preview of Tony Carnevale’s new unreleased work, for the Soundtrack Records label. It’s a unique project entirely created by the author, pressed on vinyl, with a complimentary CD included in the package to satisfy all listening preferences. In addition to various orchestral pieces, it also includes a little piano sonata and a tribute to Francesco Di Giacomo and Rodolfo Maltese of Banco: a symphonic version of the well-known track La vita che grida, initially released in the 1995 album of the same name, reworked into a mini-suite for solo cello, piano, orchestra, and band. It is a unique opportunity to have a different emotional experience together. Several guests will be present, individuals directly or indirectly linked to the author and his music.


Like many of his previous albums, this new work is characterized by a diverse use of musical codes and formal freedom. The album is subtitled Images for Piano and Orchestra, exploring the idea of sound as an “internal image” of the human being, which ties into the author’s extensive research, published in books such as Oltre le note (Beyond the Notes), which also features one of the tracks from this new album.


The event was conceived to revive something experienced by teenagers in the ’70s, when, upon the release of a new record (which was obviously vinyl), people would line up outside record stores, sometimes buying just one copy, and then rush to the house of someone with the best “stereo” to listen to it together. “Listening together” was one of the formative elements for the author, leading him to build, based on this collective listening experience, one of the key pillars of the Original Music Workshops – which have been supported by SIAE and IMAIE – that he has been directing for twenty-three years.


This experience of “listening together” has been a foundational aspect for the author, inspiring him to develop one of the core principles of the Laboratori di Musica Originale—an initiative that has earned the prestigious patronage of SIAE and the support of IMAIE. He has been directing this program for the past twenty-three years. This concept also aligns with a music philosophy centered on deep listening, especially in a time when the visual tends to dominate, with performance often taking precedence over the true essence of sound. Too frequently, audiences attend concerts to “watch” rather than to “listen” in the most profound sense of the term.


It also reflects a deeper approach to music that emphasizes listening in an era where visual experiences often overshadow the profound meanings behind sound. In a world where many attend concerts to “see” rather than “hear,” we invite you to join the author in exploring the emotional and personal significance of his music, enriched by his stories, memories, and the emotional truth behind every sound.

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