There’s no fun in being smart in Italy“,

Freak Antoni said in one of his absurdist quips.

And these words are God’s truth.

Take, for example, Tony Carnevale.

He boasts a truly impressive CV – check out his website, and you’ll realize you’ve heard his music many times without even knowing it! –
But above all, he’s an artist who has managed, better than many (self-proclaimed) Italian music gurus, to capture the essence of “Total music” that defines our era.

Carnevale is simultaneously both cultured and popular – someone who wouldn’t hesitate to move from the “sanctity” of Johann Sebastian Bach to the blasphemy of Sebastian Bach, the singer from Skid Row.

He understands the essence of art beyond ideological and cultural boundaries.

He embraces both seriousness and, at the same time, the liberating power of laughter.

He can involve eighty musicians in a vast, open project (the recent Dreaming a Human Symphony, an album… still evolving).

He can effortlessly jump from classical to contemporary music, through progressive rock (a label that, when applied to him and his idea of music, feels as restrictive as the Incredible Hulk’s clothes before his transformation) to the visionary quality of soundtracks, or perhaps the exquisite simplicity of the song form.

Despite the vastness of his work, he still infuses everything he does with the passionate, meticulous care of a craftsman.

As Freak Antoni said, there’s no fun in Italy in being smart.”

Flavio Brighenti (La Repubblica – Xl)

Tony Carnevale is an Italian pianist, keyboardist, composer, arranger, orchestrator, choir and orchestra conductor, artistic director, music producer, researcher, and educator/mentor.

Numerous artists and prominent Italian music scene artists collaborated with him, including Francesco Di Giacomo and Rodolfo Maltese of Banco del Mutuo Soccorso.

He has been cited in various university theses and encyclopedias, such as “L’Italia del Rock“(published by Repubblica), the ” Encyclopaedia of Progressive Rock” from Brazil, the “Encyclopaedia of Italian Rock”, nonché nei saggi: “Solchi sperimentali”, “Rock Progressivo Italiano” and Le petit monde du Rock Progressif Italien” – FranciaThe Centre for Italian Progressive Studies considers the artist”the vanguard of the revival of Progressive Rock in Europe”” and one of the leading figures of Symphonic Progressive Rock and Modern Symphonism. International critics consider him one of the field’s most significant artists.

…au rang des plus grands compositeurs du nouveau siècle

(Big Bang – France Gennaio 2001).

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Tony studied Piano under Luciana Ricotti, Composition under Paolo Giuliani, Giampaolo Chiti, Alessandro Sbordoni, and Giancarlo Bizzi, Electronic Music under Michelangelo Lupone, and Choir Conducting under Giorgio Kirschner.

Having placed first in the teaching qualification competitions in 1985, Tony has made a name for himself in the field of applied music over the years, composing and producing numerous soundtracks for:

a. Films (Luciano Emmer, Giorgio Treves, Alessandro Di Robilant, Carlo Lizzani, Giambattista Assanti, Enrico Caria, Francesca Pirani, and Iole Natoli);

b. opere audiovisive (Venice Biennale 1986) and multimedia projects: for example L'unicorno dal corno d'oro, which he conceived and produced as an author, composer, artistic director and director, in collaboration with the artist Bimba Landmann.

c. Choreographic works (Maria Teresa Dal Medico, Renato Greco, Elisabetta Melchiorri, and Francesca Zaccherini), which have also been performed internationally, such as at the Cairo Opera House.

d. Nation Advertisment (Agip, Esso, Nestlè, Curcio, Ina-Assitalia, ecc.);

e. Television programs for MEDIASET and RAI (his theme for “Appuntamento al cinema” was broadcasted for 26 years).

Tony has produced several works as the author, arranger, and artistic producer for prominent Italian music performers and record labels (Patty Pravo, Anonimo Italiano, BMG, Sony, Fonit Cetra, CNI).

"Uno dei più importanti musicisti italiani di sempre"

(METROPOLI ROCK - Italia Febbraio 1993)

Since the mid-1980s, Tony has been engaged in research with numerous publications.In 2003, the psychiatric journal Il sogno della farfalla published his significant article “Oltre i suoni materiali”, in wich he explores music as a psychic experience delving into its communicative interhuman aspects : It was from this research, fused with his personal experience as a musician, that the idea for the original ANORA method (an acronym for “Approccio NOn RAzionale” or Non-Rational Approach), of musical thinking and development was born, which has resulted in numerous books:

2010 - Il pensiero e il suono – un approccio non razionale alla musica – IML.

2014 - Il suono ritrovato - Universitalia/Edizioni Universitarie Scientifiche, che ha raggiunto ben quattro edizioni.

2019 - Poetica Ricerca e Formazione Musicale – YCP.

2020 - Formazione Musicale Psicodinamica – YCP.

2022 - Oltre le note – un approccio non razionale alla musica,published by Celid, a true vademecum for every musician or simple enthusiast and an indispensable tool for educators and teachers.

Tony Carnevale has been invited to various schools and libraries in Rome and Lazio to present or apply the ANORA method to propose a new vision for music and music education. He is the director of the Original Music and Applied Composition Laboratory, the Arranging and Pre-Production Music Laboratory,and the Music Production and Artistic Direction Laboratory at the Scuola di Musica di Testaccio in Rome. Tony also directs the Oltre le note Laboratory, which has been active since 2000 and is sponsored by SIAE and IMAIE. Since April 2016, he has also been the President of the “ANORA” Cultural Association. In 2023, he was invited by the INDIRE Institute to conduct a webinar on th ANORA method as part of the XXXIV National Music Review La Musica Unisce la Scuola, organized by the Ministry of Education and Merit and the National Committee for the Practical Learning of Music, with Dr Annalisa Spadolini as moderator.

This extensive professional background accompanies Tony’s intense personal artistic activity, which has led him to release nine albums, all entirely created and produced by him.

Tony’s intense personal artistic activity, which has led him to release nine albums, all entirely created and produced by him.

    1. 1991 - Risonanze (CD + libro, Artonica- Cerircante).

“…dimostra un’incredibile padronanza dei mezzi espressivi,

sia a livello compositivo che prettamente esecutivo…

(METROPOLI ROCK – Italia Febbraio 1993)

2. 1995 - La Vita Che Grida (CD, Artonica).

“From an artistic point of view,

Carnevale's ''La Vita Che Grida'' is definitely a succesful work of art”

(RATE YOUR MUSIC – Maggio 2011)

3. 1999 - III Movimento - A Dance Opera for Rock Symphonic Orchestra (CD, Artonica). The album and his first two works were released in a three-CD box set. It combines the pieces that form the soundtrack of the opera III Movimento with choreography by Elisabetta Melchiorri.

4. 2002 - Una bellezza che non lascia scampo (CD, DGP). This album forms the soundtrack to Francesca Pirani’s film of the same name.

5. 2003 - Live Rock Symphonic Concert (CD, Artonica 96). A recording of the concert held at the Frontiera Club in Rome in 1996, featuring thirteen musicians, including Francesco Di Giacomo and Rodolfo Maltese of Banco.

“…un concerto di puro Rock Sinfonico…

I brani…sono qui appositamente riarrangiati e rappresentano la summa di questo grande artista”

(ROTTERS CLUB.NET – Maggio 2003)

6. 2006 - Piano (CD, Artonica 96). An album that initiates the TC Open Project experience. The concept of “Piano” has many meanings, from the instrument playing softly to taking things slowly. It is an invitation to the calm necessary to experience the beauty of sound

7. 2009 - Dreaming a Human Symphony (CD, Artonica 96, Remastered 2013).This is a symphonic rock opera featuring around eighty singer and musicians.

“Con questa fatica discografica, l’artista confeziona un’opera rock

che si erge a punto di riferimento,

a metà strada tra concept sinfonico e musical teatrale,

dimostrando di trovarsi a proprio agio anche con i brani cantati,

in passato meno presenti nei suoi album.”

(Gianluca Livi - ROTTERS CLUB.NET – Aprile 2017)

In 2022, Tony Carnevale decided to embark on a new path, allying with the label SOUNDTRACK Records, a significant commitment to trust and renewal, which led him to a relase at the beginning of 2023,

8. III Movimento - A dance Opera for Symphonic-Rock Orchestra - Extended Version.

This work reworks the 1999 album III Movimento, wholly remastered in analog and released as a single album in a new vinyl CD package, including additional content.

“indiscutibilmente un disco di musica di qualità,

ben scritta, magistralmente arrangiata e molto ben suonata”

(Roberto Biasco – DOPPIO JAZZ – Febbraio 2023)

“…musica in movimento, musica che si espande, musica che danza,

in una dimensione dinamica leggera e mai pedante:

sintesi dell’equilibrio che ha perennemente contraddistinto le produzioni di Carnevale.”

(Pas Scarpato – PROG E DINTORNI – Febbraio 2023)

“…uno dei più interessanti album italiani di rock sinfonico del nuovo millennio…”

(Giuseppe Di Spirito – ROTTERS CLUB – Febbraio 2023)

“Si vous aimez le mélange musique classique/rock symphonique XXL, si vous cherchez un équivalent à Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman et Pär Lindh du côté italien et enfin si vous apprécier, en vrai mélomane, la musique remarquablement composée et arrangée par un maestro, cet album est évidemment fait pour vous. Car là, pas d'approximation ou d à peu près, il s'agit de grand art.”


9. In April 2023, Tony released his ninth album Tu Che Mi Puoi Capire (Vinyl + CD, SOUNDTRACK Records).

This new and original work, produced on vinyl with an included CD, marks a turning point in Tony’s artistic career, symbolizing a rebirth in his creative journey. Starting from his roots, represented here by the symphonic version of the previously released “La vita che grida”, a tribute to his friends Francesco Di Giacomo and Rodolfo Maltese (Banco del Mutuo Soccorso), it projects towards a future in which modern symphonic will undoubtedly lead the artist to new heights in his multifaceted expressive capacity.

“Tony Carnevale è un autore che, da quasi 30 anni, noi appassionati di progressive sentiamo (e non solo con le orecchie) parte di questo territorio espressivo; eppure, limitare la sua vasta opera ad uno stile univoco non è rendere giustizia all’artista e artigiano di suoni quale egli è…

Il suo ultimo lavoro…comunica subito una complessità d’impianto da fare tremare le vene e i polsi.

Tony Carnevale con “Tu Che Mi Puoi Capire” riconferma la vivace vena creativa a cui siamo abituati; oggi si avvertono maturità ed esperienza, nonché tesori formativi, circoscrivibili tra Novecento storico, progressive rock e colonna sonora; non solo possibilità stilistiche sfruttate in maniera personale, ma anche ferri di un mestiere (da insegnare alle nuove generazioni di musicisti).”

(Riccardo Storti – ASTERISCHI DI MUSICHE – Aprile 2023)

”Soprattutto nei momenti più intimisti è impressionante, ad un ascolto attento, l'abilità di Tony di catapultarci, abbinando le poche parole dei titoli alle sue esecuzioni pianistiche, verso immagini e sensazioni. E per composizioni interamente strumentali non è poco!”

(Giuseppe di Spirito - ROTTER’S CLUB - Giugno 2023)

”Carnevale è lo scultore sapiente, il cesellatore di fino, il pittore che colora il suo paesaggio, il ritrattista che ritrae sé stesso inserendosi nella moltitudine, nella totalità, nel mondo che è suo ma anche degli altri...

Tutta la musica di Tony Carnevale è metafora della vita. Tutto è “vita che grida” attorno a Tony, come una sorta di animismo, accomunando spiritualità e realtà, non in maniera trascendente ma attraverso l’identificazione tra spirito e materia. Cos’è la musica, se non questo? “Tu Che Mi Puoi Capire”, in tale ottica, rappresenta tutto ciò.”

(Pas Scarpato – PROG E DINTORNI – Giugno 2023)

“Tony Carnevale ha aperto la via: la strada, ancora incerta ed assai impervia, della ricerca di una “terza via” tra rock e musica sinfonica è stata tracciata, la sfida è aperta, vedremo se ci saranno musicisti di valore che abbiano le capacità e il coraggio di proseguire su questo difficile percorso...”

(Roberto Biasco – LEFT – Luglio 2023)

“L'exercice (piano/orchestre) amène à une forme de classicisme que Tony sait rendre passionnant en lui donnant les atours d'une musique contemporaine qui est évidemment basée sur un savoir académique, mais mis au service d'un langage bien actuel.

Tu Che Mi Puoi Capire est évidemment un évènement important dans la carrière artistique de Tony Carnevale. Il y aura un avant et un après ce disque dans sa discographie. Mais, c'est aussi la matérialisation d'un moment charnière de sa vie. Un moment de réflexion, presque de recueillement, où il veut se rappeler de ceux qu'il a rencontré, de ceux qui ont compté et il imagine cela comme un théâtre rempli de ces gens qui, d’une manière ou d’une autre, ont fait partie de sa vie. Cet album est le témoignage de cette démarche sincère et profondément humaine de Tony. On ne peut que s'incliner devant une telle abnégation surtout quand on écoute la résultat”


Guardando al complesso della sua opera, va riconosciuto che Tony Carnevale si è ritagliato uno spazio notevole a livello internazionale, grazie anche alla critica specializzata che lo tiene in grande considerazione in tutto il mondo, come uno dei musicisti di cui l’Italia deve essere orgogliosa.

“Profitant de la sortie du nouvel album de Tony Carnevale, je me dis qu'il est peut être temps que le monde du rock progressif se rende enfin compte de ce que cet immense musicien italien apporte discrètement à ce courant musical depuis maintenant plus de trente ans.



...after many years as an independent producer, it was natural at some point to think about collaborating on music projects and contributing to this beautiful initiative of SOUNDTRACK Records.

From 1991 to 2009, Tony Carnevale conceived, created, and produced seven albums entirely independently, two of which as TC Open Project.

....I realized I needed to share something of my experience with others, things that couldn't be found in books or traditional education...

Tony has worked with many artists and has been involved in many projects.

Tony's entry into the music profession comes through his talent for pairing sounds with images, a field known as "applied music," in which he shows a particular skill

I have always approached music in a self-taught manner, and this may have allowed me to cultivate the resilience that would prove essential later on...

It was around Christmas time when I found a 45 rpm record inside a pandoro: on one side was Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor...

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